
My name is Naty, I was born in 2004. I like climbing, traveling. I love my friends, beautiful nature, border collies, swimming in lakes. I hate routine. From winter, I have Gopro. In 2015, to my life came border collie Juggernaut , my first dog. I do not know a lot about dogs, so I did so much mistakes... Juggi do not like people, he herd bikes and at walks, he need leash... But we work together and we are enjoying our life more and more...

But he is not just problematic dog... He is my teacher, friend... At walks, he ignore toys, but he absolutely love water, and there he is playing with amazing drive... He love little kids. For fun, we traing frisbee and dogscooter, and sometimes we go to agility training.... We plan sheepherding.

My second dog will be border collie...

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